* Warning some readers may disagree with this blog post*
I am pretty certain this blog will have some readers in disagreement with me but here it goes…
Grey interiors are and have been everywhere recently. With some people saying it is a trend which is here to stay, I’m not to sure. I’ve spoken with a couple of clients within the last week and when they mention they don’t want grey or a whitewash look, I literally want to hug them! Of course I don’t as that wouldn’t be very professional of me.
I’m not against grey’s altogether, grey is a wonderful colour when partnered up with any other colour. It’s a base to build on, just like cream and white. In my opinion (this industry is all opinion, what I might like someone else won’t), whitewashing a whole house in grey, is a cold interior without charm. I am going to show you some samples where you can still use grey paired with colour accents to create a much more warmer/cosy interior for these colder nights in.

The above image to me, is lovely don’t get me wrong however there isn’t any charm, personality or warmth. Again I am sure there will be people who disagree with this but please scroll down and look over some examples to see what I mean.
Adding in even just a few different accent colours, makes such a difference to the room. With the navy cushions, throw and linking it all together with the abstract artwork above the sofa, gives it personality and warmth. You should never underestimate the power of colours/textures and some accessories!

I know grey and pink or rose gold have been a hit for a while. Why not, they are a great combination! Using a darker grey will give the room a warmth and an edge like in the first bedroom image, there is also a really dark grey living room at the bottom of the blog! Adding in gunmetal accessories will give it a slight masculine edge while still having the soft pink bedding. The second image is actually one I’ve used recently on a client moodboard. Grey, pink and navy go amazingly well together! Once again adding in the dark navy will give it a masculine touch, while still having the rose copper decor. I love these hanging pendant lights in this second photo and the artwork!
With these examples of how you can add more colour, mood, warmth, personality into a room while still having grey interiors. Why would you choose to have a whitewash grey interior?
I will leave you all with some more inspirational images on how to create the perfect grey interior below.
Alice Molloy Interiors