Some of you might of known that I was planning to start a blog, well here it is. I have finally taken the plunge and written my first ever blog. I have decided to look at some of the high street shops that have now started a home section. Funnily enough these shops are also on my go-to list for fashion to, both surely go hand in hand. There are more than just two shops, so I will be spreading these types of post’s out a little bit.

One of my favorites at the moment is Zara home. Zara is now doing everything from pieces of furniture, through to decor items and soft furnishings. Below are a few of the favorite items, keeping in with the trends right now.

This side table is a perfect example of the raw edit. Taking the raw material of teak, showing its amazing natural texture and patterns which seep through when cut. A piece of furniture like this, will not only make an impact and add character, it will also add a homely welcoming feel to any interior. Pair it with the vase & photo frame below, adding some colour and more texture! Top it with some faux flowers and succulents (I will do a post about them too) and you’ll have the picturesque set up.

There are so many other items that I want to share with you, before I make this too long. I need to share at least one of the amazing cushions they are selling currently. These are so rich & vibrant will make any room luxurious (they are totally different from the above, but would work in the same room.)

The next high street shop I want to quickly mention is H&M Home. Now anyone that follows my instagram page (

As you can see even down to the wall panelling and paint, it is a shade of pale blue/grey. At the of the day, I would love to be snuggling into this bed set. Finish the room with gold accents, for a complete luxury feel.

Everyone knows currently leopard print is everywhere right now and interior decor is no exception. Zara Home & H&M Home both are selling animal print decor (for anyone who is after some, it isn’t for everyone!)

Now H&M Home, have so much more to offer. I would recommend a trip online as I’m not sure what shops stock homeware. Likewise the same for Zara, I haven’t seen a local one to me (Essex) that socks homeware. Both of these are very different styles and budgets for depending on what you need. Keep an eye out for the next blog and if you have any suggestions on what you would like me to discuss please leave a comment or email me.

Have a wonderful day!