With autumn well and truly here, switching up our cosy accessorises is top priority within our homes. Personally, I love changing these items seasonally, reflecting both the trends and seasons. In my own home, I have swapped my brighter, linen cushions for more autumnal, heavier velvet fabrics for winter. Below, we have selected some of the best neutral cushions and blankets on the marketplace currently.

When it comes to styling these cushions, here are some of our top tips…
Quantity – Bedroom VS Living Room
When it comes to styling your bed, select 3 sizes of pillows to layer. Its best to start with the larger pillows at the back and then size down as you come to the front. On the contrary, less is more when it comes to the sofa. Its best to choose 2 or 3 for either side of the sofa for comfort.
Colour – 60:30:10 Rule
60:30:10 is a rule often used in Interior Design when referenced to colour. 60% should tie in with your colour scheme, 30% is for texture and pattern and 10% should be an accent colour.
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Different sizes and textures
Layering different sizes and textures are a great way to add depth and excitement to your space. Especially when working with neutrals, you can never have too much texture!
Below are the links to the cushions and blankets:
- https://www2.hm.com/en_gb/productpage.0976220001.html
- https://www2.hm.com/en_gb/productpage.0987862001.html
- https://www.westelm.co.uk/cotton-linen-velvet-corners-pillow-cover-b3131?location=&quantity=1&attribute_1=61%20x%2061%20cm&attribute_2=Black
- www.zarahome.com/gb/boucle-cushion-cover-l44162008?categoryId=0&colorId=712&srch=true
- https://www.made.com/nuwan-embroidered-cushion-50-x-50-cm-moss-green
- https://www.meggyandme.com/collections/neutral/products/ziggy
- https://www.zarahome.com/gb/teased-wool-blanket-l47328004?categoryId=0&colorId=741&srch=true
- https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/UK/en/p/beige-and-white-blanket-with-fringing-130×170-palani-201821.htm
- https://www.made.com/lafant-wool-throw-125-x-170cm-neutral