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New Website – New Me (aka Alice)

Hi All,

Well hasn’t it been a long time since I have done one of these, and well … a lot has changed in the last year or so!

The main reason I have been off the social media scene for so long, is down to becoming a mother! Madeleine has now just turned one and I am starting to get back into the swing of things.

With Madeleines arrival, I have learnt a lot about myself and the route I would like to take my company. So it felt like the perfect time for a little rebranding and remodelling to create something I am truly proud of.

Becoming a mother is no easy task (I was very naive), trying to also run a company as we still had a few projects in construction stage and design stages while I was on maternity leave, I had to take a break from something and that was social media.

We have since photographed a few new projects which have been completed during this time, which can be viewed in our portfolio section, along with a new service which I will be doing another post on in the new days (or weeks… who knows, depends what curveballs Maddie throws at me next!)

But for now, have a scroll through and enjoy! x Alice