Hey Everyone,

I do hope you are all safe and well, during these times. I am sure the lockdown is starting to take it’s toll on some people by now (like, does anyone know what day it is?). Although the more we stick with staying at home, hopefully the sooner we can get back to “normal“, it’s in inverted commas, as not to sure if it will ever be 100% the way it used to be?

Cov-Normal = our new normal.

Anyway, some of you may have already seen that I have started a

We are all stuck indoors, looking at the same four walls, with not a lot to do. I have already seen loads of people taking the time to spring clean & declutter (including two clients of mine). The number of people visiting A&E with eye related accidents due to DIY has increased, according to the BBC (as of yesterday 12th April).

So the reason for me starting the Vlog is rather simple…

To inspire & help people while stuck indoors, with tips/tricks/hacks from me! This is going to be more of a personal adventure, rather than a business one.

These Vlogs’ will vary dramatically and won’t only be Interior Design related, so if you’re interested, its best you subscribe so you don’t miss a upload. The latest one, is a Arts & Crafts video, using toilet roll inner’s. Seeing that some people stocked up on toilet roll, I am trying to bring a bit of humour into it all. This one can be done with the kids, once you have stocked up on the inners (you will need 10).

In some (most) of video’s I will be including tips, tricks and hacks for your home. I have already done one, which is 12 ways to increase relaxation & calmness into your home. As lets face it, will all need a bit of extra relaxation currently!

If anyone has any Interior Dilemma’s, that they are facing during this lockdown.

Keep home & Keep well,

